Attagutaluk Familys

  • Attagutaluk and Ittusarjuat family
  • The family tree
  • Leonie Qurnnut ( Grand Daughter )
  • Julia Ammarualik ( Grand Daughter )
  • Ittusajuat
  • Igloolik Nunavut
  • Levi Uttak ( Great ,Great Grand SON of Attaguttaluk )

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12 noviembre 2015


 ATTAGUTALUK  was well known to be the queen of Igloolik who had remarried after surviving threw her starvation in baffin Island ,Ittusarjuat who was the king leader of Amittuqmiut proposed to have her as a wife and from on they have many antcestors today in an around Nunavut . 

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More from this channel: ATTAGUTALUK OF IGLOOLIK

    • Attagutaluk Familys

      uploaded by: Carol Kunnuk


       ATTAGUTALUK  was well known to be the queen of Igloolik who had remarried after surviving threw her starvation in baffin Island ,Ittusarjuat who was the king leader of Amittuqmiut proposed to have her as a wife and from on they have many antcestors today in an around Nunavut . 

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      uploaded date: 12-11-2015