Hiona Henare


Imagen de Hiona Henare
I'm a Māori producer, writer and director based in Aotearoa. And proud to be of Muaūpoko, Ngai Tara, Ngati Kuia and Ngati Raukawa descent. My first audience is my family and then my worldwide indigenous family. I'm looking forward to sharing some of my screen projects with you in 2019. Mauri ora.See more


  • Stories from Muaūpoko

    uploaded by: Hiona Henare

    Ko Kurahaupo te waka
    Ko Tararua te maunga
    Ko Punahau te roto
    Ko Hokio te awa
    Ko Kohuturoa raua ko Kawiu nga marae
    Ko Punahau, Ngarue, Ngai Te Ao, Ngati Tamarangi, Ngati Hine, Ngati Whanokirangi, Ngati Pariri nga Hapu
    Ko Muaupoko te Iwi
    Whakahono, kia tu kaha Muaūpoko

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 22-12-2018

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