Michelline Ammaq

Office Manager

Michelline Ammaq is Igloolik's office manager and she was also costume designer of One Day in the Life of Noah Piugattuk. Since 1997 Michelline Ammaq has worked as costume designer, assistant editor, production assistant and actor with Igloolik Isuma Productions, Arnait Video Productions, Artcirq and now Kingulliit Productions. Michelline has many years’ experience on various cultural projects in Igloolik. Most notably she was Costume Designer for the feature film Before Tomorrow, Assistant Director on the feature film Uvanga and elder mentor for the last 5 editions of Artcirq’s Woman Sharing Knowledge summer camp teaching young women traditional skills in sewing and cooking. Michelline is also Justice of the Peace in Igloolik and Board member of the Igloolik Hunters and Trappers Association since 2008.

À propos

19 mars 2019


More from this channel: Administration – Isuma Collective