Hunting With My Ancestors|Kivitoo (What They Thought of Us)

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Hunting With My Ancestors Episode 4: Kivitoo - What they thought of us?

After The Hunt

23 octobre 2018


In 1963 families living on the land at Kivitoo were relocated by RCMP to Qikiqtarjuaq, a town 50 km to the south, with the promise they could return, only to return to find their homes bulldozed and belongings destroyed. Combining archival footage and interviews on the land with David Poisey, who experienced the relocation as a child, Zach learns more about this heartbreaking and shocking story, one that was all too common across the arctic.

Hunting With My Ancestors Episode 4: Kivitoo - What they thought of us? Kingulliit Productions 2018, Director Zacharias Kunuk. Inuktut w/English s-t.

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