
  • 4m 5s

    props and toys for my inuuja

    uploaded by: Carol Kunnuk

    chaîne: Inuujait

    I did not like small animals , my inujjaa would have fur from a caribou skin firom an antler ,that is why I never use any small animal fur . when my mother first made me a sheet for a caribou skin from an alter I was soo happy . but after words I was able to use leman fur because other girls had it … En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 28-10-2011

  • 10m 21s

    Qulliq (Oil Lamp)

    uploaded by: Norman Cohn

    Women of the Video Collective reenact a traditional women's activity: the use of the qulliq.

    The qulliq is the seal oil lamp and stove of the old days, the only source of light and warmth. The women tell the story in words and songs as they install the qulliq in their igloo.

    Filmmaker: Arnait Ikkagurtigitt Collective

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 21-10-2007