
  • 17m 32s

    Never Saw It

    uploaded by: folger

    channel: folger

    Mosha Folger draws a narrative arc with spoken word and song; from his Inuit ancestors hunting seals to leaving his Arctic home to the glimmer of hope he sees for the future of his people.… Read more

    uploaded date: 21-01-2009

  • 7m 53s

    Petite chasse

    uploaded by: wapikonimobile

    channel: Wapikoni

    Filmmaker: Pamela Basilish

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: Wapikoni mobile

    Year of Production: 2009

    Country: Canada

    Region: Mashteuiatsh

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    uploaded date: 26-06-2008

  • 58m 16s

    Nunaqpa (Going Inland)

    uploaded by: Norman Cohn

    channel: MICH Living Archives

    Nunaqpa is the second Isuma recreated fiction, filmed with actors in 1990 recreating a Summer caribou hunt in the 1930's. For Igloolik Inuit, it is the time of Nunaqpa, 'going inland,' the long walk in search of summer-fat caribou to catch enough meat for the hard winter ahead. Two families leave for the hunt, while the old couple and grandmother wait by the shore for their return.

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    uploaded date: 29-10-2006