
  • 11m 54s

    The Squeeze Box

    uploaded by: Shane Belcourt

    channel: shanebelcourt

    You ever want to hire a real-life soundtrack to follow you about? The Squeeze Box is a film-noir love poem about a hitman that hires a mute accordion player to follow him around and be his real-life soundtrack.

    Filmmaker: Shane Belcourt & Duane Murray

    Filmmaker Contact:



    uploaded date: 08-05-2008

  • 1h 30m 8s

    Kikkik E1-472

    uploaded by: imagineNATIVE Film Festival Curated Collection

    channel: imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival

    During the 1950's famine in the Canadian Arctic, Kikkik, an Inuk woman killed a man in self defense and them found herself in the position of having to leave 2 of her 5 children on the tundra. She was tried for murder and criminal negligence and subsequently acquitted. Written by Elisapee Karetak, one of Kikkik's daughters.

    Filmmaker: Martin Kreelak


    uploaded date: 20-12-2007