
22 March 2022


Media on this Channel

  • 1m 22s

    SIKU 2023 Goose Watch Community Winner Video #2

    uploaded by: SIKU

    channel: SIKU

    Congratulations to our recent SIKU GooseWatch community winners, Evander Cheezo, Emma Lazarus, Stanley Annanak, Jobie Nuvuka, Matthew Okpik, Ian Alaku, Willia Amamaatuak, Iola Sagiaktuk, Denise Okheena for posting the first Siku app Goose Posts in Eastmain, Kashechewan, Kangiqsualujjuaq, Kuujjuaraapik, Quaqtaq, Kangiqsujuaq, Salluit, Kimmirut and Ulukhaktok.… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 06-06-2023

  • 1m 55s

    Sikuliaviniq - Ice Watch Word of the Week 5

    uploaded by: SIKU

    channel: SIKU

    Once sikuliaq freezes up enough so that it is thicker and no longer wavy, it is called sikuliaviniq or tuvaruaq. Using a harpoon, it can be walked on and when it gets thicker sometimes can support a skidoo.


    uploaded date: 02-06-2023

  • 1m 58s

    Sikuliaq - Ice Watch Word of the Week 4

    uploaded by: SIKU

    channel: SIKU

    The Ice Watch Word of the Week is Sikuliaq (Sikuliak, Hikuliaq, Hikulihaaq).

    Sikuliaq, or young ice, forms as sikuaq freezes up and gets thicker and harder. It no longer looks grey and can have some snow on top. It can be strong enough to support some animals but not always thick enough to support a person walking on it.


    uploaded date: 26-05-2023

  • 2m 33s

    How to make a Goose Post 2023

    uploaded by: SIKU

    channel: SIKU

     Learn how to make a Goose Watch post using the SIKU App! Add a photo of the goose or nest and tag your community. Upload your post to SIKU and you’re automatically entered to win great prizes! Harvest, nest and other observation posts are all eligible and SIKU works without an internet connection, so you can save posts when you are on the land.


    uploaded date: 25-05-2023

  • 2m 10s

    Sikuaq - Ice Watch Word of the Week 3

    uploaded by: SIKU

    channel: SIKU

     The Ice Watch Word of the Week is Sikuaq.

    Sikuaq, or Hikuaq in the western dialects, is when Qinu or slushy ice begins to solidify and forms very thin freshly formed ice.


    uploaded date: 19-05-2023

  • 1m 29s

    SIKU 2023 Goose Watch Community Winner Video #1

    uploaded by: SIKU

    channel: SIKU

     Congratulations to our recent SIKU GooseWatch community winners, Paulusi Alayco, Dylan Basto, Cornilusie Niviaxie, Brian Kasudluak, Danny Angnatuk, Jobie Fleming, Billy Palliser, Allan Rumbolt, David Saunders, Ryan Solomon Jaaji Akpahatak, Daryll Baker and Daniel Jaaka for posting the first @sikuapp Goose Posts in Akulivik, Hopedale, Umiujaq, Inukjuaq, Kuujjuaq, Kuujjuaraapik, Puvirnituq,… Uqalimakkanirit

    uploaded date: 19-05-2023