Traditional Knowledge

  • 28m 53s

    Nunavut (Our Land) Episode 11: Tuktuliaq (Caribou Hunt)

    uploaded by: Norman Cohn

    canal: Transmediale

    Igloolik, Fall 1945. Even here, news of the terrible world war raging outside makes people frightened and uneasy. They talk of the danger of the unknown future, of shamanistic intervention to protect their culture. The weather turns colder. With the north wind blowing, Inuaraq builds his sod house, while Qulitalik cuts the ice blocks for the porch.

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    uploaded date: 01-12-1995

  • 28m 51s

    Nunavut (Our Land) Episode 12: Unaaq (Harpoon)

    uploaded by: Norman Cohn

    canal: Jon's Working Channel

    Igloolik, Fall-Winter 1946. Sitting around the stone house carving a harpoon, Qulitalik starts talking about the year gone past. Everyone joins in with stories and laughter. Tea is boiling over the seal lamps, children playing on the caribou skin beds. Grandmother tells the old stories, everybody has a new one. Home is warm and cozy.… Leer más

    uploaded date: 30-11-1995

  • 51m 23s

    Ajainaa! (Almost!)

    uploaded by: Norman Cohn

    canal: NITV Nunatinni Igloolik Community-TV 1995-2007

    Ajainaa! features Igloolik Elders discussing their views of contemporary Inuit life. Topics include the role of Inuit and "Southern" forms of education, survival strategies (such as how to save a drowning victim), and the differences between camp and settlement life. Written, produced, and performed by Isuma's Uqallangniq Elders Group.

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    uploaded date: 18-11-1994

  • 58m 23s

    Qaggiq (Gathering Place)

    uploaded by: Norman Cohn

    canal: MICH Living Archives

    First Isuma recreated fiction. A late-winter Inuit camp in the 1930's. Four families build a qaggiq, a large communal igloo, to celebrate the coming of spring with games, singing and drum dancing. A young man seeks a wife. The girl's father says no, but her mother says yes...

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    uploaded date: 30-09-1988