The National Film Board of Canada

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27 abril 2010


The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) is Canada's public film producer and distributor.

For over 70 years, the NFB has created socially engaged documentary, auteur animation, alternative drama and more.

Along the way, we’ve crafted over 12,000 productions and received more than 5000 awards, including 12 Oscars® and more than 90 Genies.

Today, we’re at the crossroads of innovation in the 21st century, bringing a tradition of trailblazing to the multi-platform digital universe.

Visit our website to watch over 700 documentaries and animated films :

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Media on this Channel

  • 32m 37s


    uploaded by: NFB

    canal: The National Film Board of Canada

    Synopsis: Selon les Inuit, chaque pierre que recueille le sculpteur renferme un secret. La sculpture inuit, découverte il y a quelques années, fut une véritable révélation. Elle est l'expression simple et poétique d'un génie bien particulier. Film tourné au Cap Dorset, en Terre de Baffin, parmi les Inuit de Kingait et de Kangiyiak.

    Filmmaker: John Feeney

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    uploaded date: 01-06-2010

  • 3m 47s


    uploaded by: NFB

    canal: The National Film Board of Canada

    Synopsis: La visite relate l'histoire vécue de l'étrange rencontre que fait une famille crie par une nuit neigeuse et d'une communication qui transcende les mots.

    Filmmaker: Lisa Jackson

    Contact: l'Office national du film du Canada et APTN

    Producer: Selwyn Jacob

    Year of Production: 2009

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    uploaded date: 30-04-2010

  • 2m 49s


    uploaded by: NFB

    canal: The National Film Board of Canada

    Synopsis: Trapper is a beautiful short film capturing the quiet dignity of a day in the life of a Northern trapper.

    Trappeur est un magnifique court métrage qui saisit la dignité tranquille d'une journée dans la vie d'un trappeur du Nord.

    Filmmaker: Shannon Letandre

    Contact: National Film Board of Canada and APTN/L'Office national du film du Canada et APTN

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    uploaded date: 29-04-2010

  • 3m 47s


    uploaded by: NFB

    canal: The National Film Board of Canada

    Synopsis: The Visit tells the true story of a Cree family's strange encounter one winter night, which results in a conversation beyond words.

    Filmmaker: Lisa Jackson

    Contact: National Film Board of Canada and APTN

    Producer: Selwyn Jacob

    Year of Production: 2009

    Distributor Information: National Film Board of Canada and APTN

    Country: Canada

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    uploaded date: 29-04-2010

  • 2m 37s


    uploaded by: NFB

    canal: The National Film Board of Canada

    Synopsis: Inuit filmmaker Jobie Weetaluktuk mixes archival and new footage to make a statement about the appropriation of his culture throughout history.

    Le cinéaste inuit Jobie Weetaluktuk combine séquences d'archives et nouvelles images pour prendre position sur les différentes formes d'appropriation de sa culture au cours de l'histoire.

    Filmmaker: Jobie Weetaluktuk

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    uploaded date: 29-04-2010

  • 2m 17s


    uploaded by: NFB

    canal: The National Film Board of Canada

    Synopsis: A stunning display of a stop motion animation, Dancers of the Grass vividly depicts the majesty of the hoop dance, a tradition symbolizing the unity of all nations.

    Éblouissante démonstration d'animation image par image, Les danseurs de l'herbe illustre avec éclat la majesté de la danse du cerceau, une tradition symbolisant l'unité de toutes les nations.

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    uploaded date: 29-04-2010