2009 Poverty Olympics: Torch Parade & Memorial March.

2009 Poverty Olympics: Torch Parade & Memorial March.

Sunday, February 8, 2009.
12:30 TORCH PARADE starts at VANDU (380 East Hastings)
1PM OPENING at Japanese Language School (487 Alexander Street)

The second annual Poverty Olympics will be held on Feb. 8 at 1 pm at the Japanese Language School, 487 Alexander St. in Vancouver.  The family-friendly event will include a Torch Parade (starts at 380 E. Hastings at 12:30--come and join!), mascots Creepy the Cockroach, Itchy the Bedbug, and Chewy the Rat, Opening and Closing Ceremonies, events like Skating around Poverty and the Housing Hurdles, a special appearance by Mr. Con Dough.  Cockroach Cake will be served.  
Free. Everyone welcome.
Sponsored by Raise the Rates, Carnegie Community Action Project, Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, DEWC Power to Women Group, Streams of Justice, BC PWA, Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House.
For info or to get involved call 604 729-2380.

Saturday, February 14, 2009.
NOON gather at Carnegie Community Centre Theatre (401 Main st, corner Hastings, Vancouver)
1PM MARCH begins from Main & Hastings

* Posters can be downloaded at: http://www.mediafire.com/memorialmarch or
at https://secure.filesanywhere.com/fs/v.aspx?v=896c678d5e5e72af9da6

Please join us this February 14th to honour the lives of missing and murdered women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.  The deaths of many vulnerable women from the Downtown Eastside continues to leave family, friends, loved ones, and community members with an overwhelming sense of grief and loss. The February 14th Women's Memorial March is an opportunity for the community and those that support us to come together to grieve the loss of our beloved sisters and remember the women who are still missing. We gather each year to mourn and remember our sisters by listening to their family members, by taking over the streets, and through spiritual ceremonies.

This event is organized and led by women because women, especially Indigenous women, face physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual violence on a daily basis. Please respect the march and do not bring your agency
banners as the Women's Memorial March carries five banners only to honour the women.
Also, each year the Memorial March committee must raise funds to pay for the hall rental, sound system, food, roses, memorial brochures, blankets, posters, candles, tobacco and other expenses. If you can, please make cheques payable to the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre. Please write "Women's Memorial March" in the memo line. Mail to 302 Columbia St. Vancouver, BC V6A 4J1. All donations over $10.00 will be gratefully acknowledged with a tax deductible receipt. We thank you in advance for your support.

For more information please contact Marlene George at (604) 665-3005.


19 January 2009


Tukisigiarviit: Get Involved