37m 30s 90s midget tourney in coral arv vs. rank final uploaded by: ARVIATTV channel: ARVIAT TV Arviat vs. Rankin hockey tourney in Coral final game… Uqalimakkanirit
18m 30s haumik and nanuq uploaded by: ARVIATTV channel: ARVIAT TV This short film is about how daily lives of Inuit used to be before moving into permenent settlements. Story tellers were from Arviat, Haumik and Nanuq.… Uqalimakkanirit
3m 28s Bannock Eating Contest Arviat 1980s uploaded by: ARVIATTV channel: ARVIAT TV Bannock Eating Contest in Arviat, 1980s.Winner Peter Suwaksiork.… Uqalimakkanirit
ARVIAT TV uploaded by: ARVIATTV Arviat TV channel.Created by Arviat Tarralijaarvik Film Society.Check out our website:arviat.tv… Uqalimakkanirit