ealat.tv uploaded by: boazu Welcome to the EALÁT TV channel. EALÁT is a Reindeer Herders Vulnerability Network Study and is a project that examines reindeer pastoralism in the light of climate change.… Leer más
35m 34s People and Reindeer In A Changing Climate (English Version) uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit canal: ealat.tv By Philip BurgessInternational Centre for Reindeer Husbandry, Kautokeino, Norwayphilip.burgess@reindeercentre.org… Leer más
36m 5s ЭАЛАТ – Люди и олени в меняющемся климате uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit canal: ealat.tv By Philip Burgess, International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry, Kautokeino, Norway.philip.burgess@reindeercentre.org… Leer más