5m 25s Uma História dos Krenak (A History of the Krenak) Trailer uploaded by: Shirley Krenak canal: IsumaTV 2.0 HELP WANTED! This group seeks help to to protect its land, language and culture. Contact: <krenak31@hotmail.com>… Leer más
Synopsis of Project Proposal for "A History of the Krenak" uploaded by: Shirley Krenak canal: A History of the Krenak … Leer más
A History of the Krenak uploaded by: Shirley Krenak HELP WANTED! This group seeks help to to protect its land, language and culture. Contact: <krenak31@hotmail.com>… Leer más
Full Project Proposal for "A History of the Krenak" uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina canal: A History of the Krenak Contact Person: Shirley Adilson Silva (Shirley Krenak) , email: krenak31@hotmail.com, tel: 00 55 33 32 76 23 59. Postal Address: Rua Guanhães 91A, Senhora das Gracas, Governador Valladares, Minas Gerais, cep. 35060-200, Brazil. A History of the Krenak PROJECT SYNOPSIS… Leer más