À propos

27 mars 2008


Bringing Inuit culture into primary schools for the International Polar Year, Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum (EICC) is a multi-media unit for grades 4-6 about Inuit culture, the Arctic and Canada’s newest territory, Nunavut.

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Media on this Channel

  • 16m 35s

    IQ Part 2

    uploaded by: Rosa Flynn

    chaîne: EICC

    A video of a lesson using the ‘Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum’ of Isuma. Bringing Inuit culture into primary schools for the International Polar Year, the EICC is a multi-media unit for grades 4-6 about Inuit culture, the Arctic and Canada’s newest territory, Nunavut.… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 08-04-2008

  • 10m 59s

    IQ Part I

    uploaded by: Rosa Flynn

    chaîne: EICC

    A video of a lesson using the ‘Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum’ of Isuma. Bringing Inuit culture into primary schools for the International Polar Year, the EICC is a multi-media unit for grades 4-6 about Inuit culture, the Arctic and Canada’s newest territory, Nunavut.… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 04-04-2008

  • 38m 58s

    Artcirq Lesson

    uploaded by: Rosa Flynn

    chaîne: EICC

    A video of a lesson using the ‘Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum’ of Isuma. Bringing Inuit culture into primary schools for the International Polar Year, the EICC is a multi-media unit for grades 4-6 about Inuit culture, the Arctic and Canada’s newest territory, Nunavut.… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 27-03-2008