Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change is having its US premieres in Washington DC (March 28th) and New York (March 31st) in association with The Smithsonian Institution.
Anticipating these events, co-director Ian Mauro was interviewed by EcoCentric Blog about the film and the impact it is having on public and expert opinion.
5-point Action Letter signed by ICC Chairman Aqqaluk Lunge. For more information about ICC visit To watch the film by Zacharias Kunuk and Ian J. Mauro, Inuit Knowledeg and Climate Change, visit
"Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change" will be screened nationally and internationally over the next month.
On December 5th, the film will be presented at the international UN COP-16 climate change meetings, and will be followed by discussion with partner organizations, including The Council of Canadians, The Indigenous Environmental Network, and others.
On November 24th, Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change was screened on Parliament Hill at The National Press Gallery, the audience included approximately 40 MPs, Senators and Government Staffers from across all the major Canadian political parties.
Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change was screened in the northern community of Churchill, Manitoba, on November 5th, 2010. This was our second public screening of the film.
"The estimate came in a presentation on Wednesday before the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission in Timmins, Ont., as the federal regulator investigates how to close the digital gap between urban and rural areas." Globe&Mail ht… En savoir plus
This feature documentary takes viewers “on the land” with elders and hunters to explore the social and ecological impacts of a warming Arctic. Directed by Zacharias Kunuk and reseacher/filmmaker Dr Ian Mauro.