Warm Up The Ice Cream 2022 Re-write

Screen Capture From Cover TItle


WARM UP THE ICE CREAM: An One Act Play By D. Morin


Good Day Pademic Update  du Artist February 2022: Good Day, I hope everyone is safe out there,eating healthy, and keeping your body ready for   present day changes in an ever changing world. Warm Up The Ice Cream is a  play  that is indicative of our times. Re-written  as a result of many changes since the first draft in a bohemian warehouse, , time passes quickly, so  the timeisnow to get   new works out! That written, this playiscurrently in the hands of three artists in Vancouver.

An one act existential play about everything in between nothing, until a Soon to be Attached PDF file to produce this work; word for word. Harry's monologue is a dance, where text, movement, ritual, media, electro-acoustic mediums and the actors creates a muse en scene of wonderment, and mystery.  

Scene: ......An ACTOR enters  STAGE LEFT to a stage  with a chair (CENTRE STAGE) and couch
(DOWN  STAGE RIGHT). The writer enters slowly after the actor. He is working his Smartphone
 and sipping a coffee.  

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25 noviembre 2013


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