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09 décembre 2016


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First Image list Changes:

i: 7 Fires 4 U Babe. That work  is now 7 Fires 4 U...Kitchi Manitou

ii: Full Stop was a 16mm film, which went missing in the early 90s.



 Second image concludes current available works.Images on second page from top right:

1: Set building as set carpenter for First Wave TV series, 1999.

2: Hanging Roadkill Deer from Camp LaRoche Set in Windigo,Lux Films 1994. Performed LEAD role of EDDY LAROCHE

3: ACROSS from Deer; Late Jimy Sidlar & Anthony Favel McNab in still from Indians & Dogs, 1994, Native & Multicultural National Conference, Hotel Vancouver, 1994

4: Artist & Professor Dana Claxton, a major artist, and colleague in Vancouver; In early works as young filmmaker. 1992 LaQueti Island BC.

5: Zorro the Gay Blade Promotion 1981. Brentwood Mall, Burnaby. Hired to perform Zorro at Cultural events;First Film Acting related work.


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