CBC - Baker Lake hunters worry mine will disturb caribou
May 24th 2012,
“The Baker Lake Hunters and Trappers Organization voiced its concerns about the Kiggavik project's potential effects on caribou at the first of a series of public meetings this month to talk about the proposed uranium mine.
Areva Resources' Kiggavik project is a proposed uranium ore mining and milling operation located about 80 km west of Baker Lake, Nunavut. The company recently submitted a massive draft environmental impact statement to the board. Ryan Barry, executive director of the Nunavut Impact Review Board, said this week's meetings should help determine what information Areva still needs to provide for an environmental assessment….”
Follow this link for the full article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/story/2012/05/24/north-kiggavik-baker-caribou.html or download a PDF of the article to your left under “attached files.”