**Igloolik Baffinland NIRB Final Public Hearings LIVE Radio Broadcast in INUKTITUT** July 23-24-25 on Nipivut Nunatinnii
**Igloolik Baffinland NIRB Final Public Hearings LIVE Broadcast** Tune-in to Nipivut Nunatinnii Monday-Wednesday July 23-25 to listen to the INUKTITUT audio LIVE from the Baffinland hearings in Igloolik. TODAY after lunch listen to the presentation by Zacharias Kunuk and Lloyd Lipsett on behalf od IsumaTV and Digital Indigenous Democracy. Technical Hearings Monday, Community Round-tables scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, all broadcast live in Igloolik and online around the world. Listen and call-in to Live call-in shows every evening after the hearings if they don't end too late.
Stay posted on IsumaTV Facebook and Twitter and here at DID News Alert for written dispatches reporting on the community hearings and their impact every day this week!