Sila Encyclopedia

[pronounced "see-lah"] is the Inuktitut word for environment, the land, weather

Explore the sila encyclopedia, a great collection of current and archival images form the north
array('dogsled|hunting|seasons'), 'History & Geography' => array('tradingpost|traders|missionaries|geography|history|explorers'), 'Inuit Culture & Language' => array('Inuktitut|family|language|art|food_prep|legend'), 'Filmmaking Inuit Style' => array('JKR_live|isuma_productions'), 'Life in the North' => array('contemporary_life|dwellings|clothing|elders|life_in_the_north|tools|transportation')); $keywords = array('Animals & Nature' => 'dogsled|hunting|seasons', 'History & Geography' => 'tradingpost|traders|missionaries|geography|history|explorers', 'Inuit Culture & Language' => 'Inuktitut|family|language|art|food_prep|legend', 'Filmmaking Inuit Style' => 'JKR_live|isuma_productions', 'Life in the North' => 'contemporary_life|dwellings|clothing|elders|life_in_the_north|tools|transportation'); global $language; if ($language->language == 'fr') { $lang = 'fr'; } else { $lang = 'en'; } if (isset($_GET['atom_id'])) { $atom_id = $_GET['atom_id']; $query = db_query("SELECT data FROM sila_data WHERE data_id = '%s_title' AND language LIKE '%s' AND deleted != 1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1", $atom_id, $lang); $atom_title = db_result($query); if ($atom_title) { $print_title = '

' . check_plain($atom_title) . '

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' . check_plain($result); } } else { $query = db_query("SELECT data FROM sila_data WHERE data_id = '%s_data' AND language LIKE '%s' AND deleted != 1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1", $data_atom_id, $lang); $result = db_result($query); if ($result) { $print_text .= '

' . check_plain($result) . '

'; } } } } $query = db_query("SELECT dc_subject FROM sila_atoms WHERE atom_id = '%s'", $atom_id); $dc_subject = db_result($query); $dc_subject = explode(" ", $dc_subject); foreach($dc_subject as $subject) { if ($subject) { $new_subject[] = $subject; } } $dc_subject = implode("|", $new_subject); $query = db_query("SELECT atom_id FROM sila_atoms WHERE dc_subject REGEXP '%s' AND realm = 'encyclopedia' AND atom_type = 'collection' ORDER BY atom_id ASC", $dc_subject); $print_related = '

' . t('Related Items') . ': '; while ($new_atom_id = db_result($query)) { $query2 = db_query("SELECT data FROM sila_data WHERE data_id = '%s_title' AND language LIKE '%s' AND deleted != 1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1", $new_atom_id, $lang); $atom_title = db_result($query2); if ($atom_title) { $print_related .= l($atom_title, $_GET['q'], array('query'=>array('atom_id'=>$new_atom_id))) . ' . '; } } $print_related .= '

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language == 'fr') { print '

Ce site utilise la police de caractères Euphemia pour afficher l’écriture syllabique en Inuktitut. Vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement ici.
Ce site nécessite Adobe Flash Player pour voir le contenu multimédia. Vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement ici.
Ce site nécessite Adobe Acrobat Reader afin d\'afficher le contenu. Vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement ici.

'; print '

Produit avec la participation financière de
Canada logo Canadian Heritage logo

'; } else { print '

This site uses the Euphemia font to display Inuktitut syllabics. You can download it for free here.
This site requires the Adobe Flash Player to view multimedia content. You can download it for free here.
This site requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to display some content. You can download it for free here.

'; print '

Produced with the financial participation of
Canada logo Canadian Heritage logo Telefilm Logo

'; } ?>