Tautuktavuk (What We See), directed by Carol Kunnuk, Lucy Tulugarjuk. Kingulliit Productions, Isuma Productions. 2023. Photo courtesy of Isuma Distribution International.
In this series of workshop sessions, we explored the conversations and conditions that led to the project, shared details of our Canada Council for the Arts Digital Greenhouse grant, and explored ways to leverage new opportunities available to our digital/cultural incubator provides for local communities.
The Inclusion in Northern Research Project, which was developed through the course of the last year and premiered at the Arctic Change 2020 virtual meeting, began with the creation of videos highlighting the varied journeys of our colleagues.… Read more
Since the 1970’s, IBC has been recording Inuit stories from an Inuit perspective – an estimated 9,000 hours of unique footage. In 2015, we began the process of cataloguing and digitizing these videos and have created the Inuit Film and Video Archive. Videos can be accessed online at www.isuma.tv/ibc.… Read more
Takuginai (Look Here): This is the only Inuit language series in North America directed at Inuit children. The series features the likes of "Johnny" the lemming and other locally made puppets and young hosts. Takuginai educates Inuit children with cultural values such as respect for elders, sharing and patience and having fun in the process.… Read more
Remote and Indigenous communities in Northern Canada face challenges in accessing education and there are few opportunities for adults to continue to learn once they have left school.… Read more
Dr. Dawn Lavell-Harvard (Anishinaabe, Canada) explains how the concerns that have been labeled as “women’s issues” are in fact central to the progress of Indigenous rights. Often, concerns such as domestic abuse, schooling, and healthcare are often sidelined in favor of focusing on issues that are seen as more universal. Dr.… Read more
JAHS graduates and role models for Inuit youth, Shelby Angalik and Innosar Issakiark from Arviat TV share their reflections on the 2016 Arviat Hope Walk.
The youth-organized event was conceived during the Arviat Youth Leadership Camp held July 1-8, 2016 with support from the Hamlet of Arviat, TakingITGlobal and the Samuel Family Foundation.
Arviat Television's Ethan Tassiuk caught up with Innosar Issakiark for a musical break during the 2016 Arviat Youth Leadership Camp this July.
The camp, held July 1-8 saw more than a dozen highly-engaged young leaders developing their community development skills with support from the Hamlet of Arviat, TakingITGlobal and the Samuel Family Foundation.