Welcome to Our Set

Welcome to Our Set

Notes from the Cast and Crew

Monday, April 04, 2005


Finally! The day before shooting starts on Isuma's new film The Journals of Knud Rasmussen. We're the same team that made the award-winning feature film Atanarjuat The Fast Runner, but this time we are collaborating with an international cast and crew.

The actors from Qaanaaq, Greenland have arrived. The Danish actors and co-producers are here. The local community is buzzing with excitement, and that's something your faithful SILA crew hopes to share with you through this on-line production journal.

Our team in Igloolik and Montreal has been working practically around the clock to get ready to invite the world to the set of this film through the Internet!

As our honoured guests, we invite you to tune in everyday for exclusive photos from the set, video features, radio documentaries, and profiles of our cast and crew.

You'll also get to read daily reportages from SF Said (a film journalist from the London Daily Telegraph and award-winning children's author) and Jobie Weetaluktuk, a writer from Nunavik, Quebec.

Join us... and see for yourself!


03 December 2009


More from this channel: SILA Stories

    • It's a Wrap!

      uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina

      channel: SILA Stories

      It's a Wrap!

      Notes from the Cast and Crew

      Friday, May 13, 2005


      Yesterday we wrapped the shooting of The Journals of Knud Rasmussen. Cast and crew have returned to Igloolik, though some people have stayed behind to begin the long task of dismantling the Siuraajuk base camp.

      Read more

      uploaded date: 03-12-2009

    • Internet in the Remote Arctic?

      uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina

      channel: SILA Stories

      Internet in the Remote Arctic?

      Notes from the Cast and Crew

      Thursday, April 21, 2005


      So the SILA crew is back after three days of no Internet! Maybe it was a shift in the magnetic pole or a sunspot, but our local connection has been down for the last 72 hours.

      Read more

      uploaded date: 03-12-2009

    • Day Off for Cast and Crew

      uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina

      channel: SILA Stories

      Day Off for Cast and Crew

      Notes from the Cast and Crew

      Sunday, April 10, 2005


      Today, the cast and crew have a much deserved day off! While there is no action on the set, today SILA gives you a quick tour of Igloolik, the location where we are shooting The Journals of Knud Rasmussen.

      Read more

      uploaded date: 03-12-2009

    • Welcome to Our Set

      uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina

      channel: SILA Stories

      Welcome to Our Set

      Notes from the Cast and Crew

      Monday, April 04, 2005


      Finally! The day before shooting starts on Isuma's new film The Journals of Knud Rasmussen. We're the same team that made the award-winning feature film Atanarjuat The Fast Runner, but this time we are collaborating with an international cast and crew.

      Read more

      uploaded date: 03-12-2009