John Hodgins


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I have been the Technical Director and technology project manager for IsumaTV since our launch in 2008. I've managed the growth of the site from a simple video blog to an interactive social networking and OTT VOD platform, as well as acting as lead developer for a variety of Isuma's digital projects. I've travelled extensively in the Canadian Arctic managing installation of IsumaTV MediaPlayers in Igloolik, Pangnirtuq and Iqaluit. More recently I've developed the technology behind Isuma's increasing (and exciting!) live video presence.See more


  • Gjoa Haven | Uqsuqtuuq | ᐅᖅᓱᖅᑑᖅ

    uploaded by: GjoaHaven

    Gjoa Haven is a Low Bandwidth High Cost internet community. Internet service is 150 times behind southern Canada in cost-per-MB. To overcome this handicap NITV installs local server Mediaplayers to deliver high speed media to slow speed users, and broadcasts our internet films and videos to home TV.

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    uploaded date: 07-03-2016

  • Old Massett

    uploaded by: John Hodgins

    The Haida community page is dedicated to telling stories from the Haida perspective. Working in the communities of Skidegate and Old Massett, this page was possible through the Haida Script Development Project, a collaboration between the Council of the Haida Nation, the UBC School of Regional and Community Planning, and NITV (Nunavut Independent Television Network).

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    uploaded date: 08-09-2016

  • Learning Materials "The Journals of Knud Rasmussen"

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Inuit Culture Education

    After completing “Atanarjuat The Fast Runner,” set in the mythological past in a community whose balance of life had not changed for 4,000 years, Zacharias Kunuk and Norman Cohn chose to depict a series of events that took place in 1922, when Shamanism was replaced by Christianity – and the balance of life was changed forev… Read more

    uploaded date: 27-11-2009

  • Evaluarjuk character outline

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Inuit Culture Education

    When I met Captain George C. Comer, we were on his whaling schooner Era, a week's hard travel to the south of my home in Iglulik, where I lived with my brother Aua, a shaman like me, and our families. Comer showed me a chart of the new syllabic alphabet the missionaries invented to write our language, Inuktitut, for the first time.… Read more

    uploaded date: 27-11-2009

  • Nuqallak character outline

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Inuit Culture Education

    My name is Nuqallak, and I am the son of Umik. When I was 20 years old, I worked on the whaling schooner of Captain George C. Comer, along with Apak, who was my first sweetheart. Apak and I almost married when she was a teenager, but Aua, her father, didn't approve and kicked me out of camp.… Read more

    uploaded date: 27-11-2009

  • Umik character outline

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Inuit Culture Education

    My name is Umik and I am a Prophet and leader among the Iglulik people. My son Nuqallaq and I converted to Christianity and now my work is to bring others to Jesus. This is a difficult task at times as many elders, such as Aua, do not believe in the ways of Jesus. As they will learn, all Christians take care of each other.… Read more

    uploaded date: 27-11-2009

  • Apak character outline

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Inuit Culture Education

    My father is Aua, a great and powerful shaman, and I too have the power to call spirits. My father and I argue and he thinks I waste this power, for I use it only to spend time with my dead husband. My first sweetheart, Nuqallaq, was kicked out of camp when I was a teenager, and I soon fell in love and married.… Read more

    uploaded date: 27-11-2009

  • Aua character outline

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Inuit Culture Education

    Before I was born, my mother was cursed by an evil shaman who whispered in her ear, 'All your children will be born dead!' and it was so. But when my mother broke taboo, I began struggling and kicking to get out through her navel, a sensitiveness that was a sign I should live to become a great shaman.… Read more

    uploaded date: 27-11-2009

  • Therkel Mathiassen character outline

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Inuit Culture Education

    My name is Therkel Mathiassen and I was born on September 5, 1892. I became an archaeologist and traveled with my friend and fellow explorer, Knud Rasmussen through the Arctic. In 1922, Knud and I were members of the Danish Fifth Thule Expedition.… Read more

    uploaded date: 27-11-2009

  • Knud Rasmussen

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Inuit Culture Education

    My name is Knud Johan Victor Rasmussen, and I was born in Jakobshavn, Greenland on June 7, 1879. I am of both Inuit and Danish descent and speak fluent Inuktitut. I am an experienced arctic traveler whose life's work has been dedicated to the study of the Eskimos.… Read more

    uploaded date: 27-11-2009

  • Introduction

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Inuit Culture Education

    After completing “Atanarjuat The Fast Runner,” set in the mythological past in a community whose balance of life had not changed for 4,000 years, Zacharias Kunuk and Norman Cohn chose to depict a series of events that took place in 1922, when Shamanism was replaced by Christianity – and the balance of life was changed forever.  Kunuk was inspired to make the film for “a first audience that… Read more

    uploaded date: 26-11-2009