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Nunavut (Our Land) Episode 13: Quviasukvik (Happy Day)
Igloolik, Fall-Winter 1946. It's almost a month since the sun disappeared. Back in the stone house everyone wakes up to Christmas Day. For Inuit in 1946, Christmas is a strange mix of ritual, some from the old life and some from the new. But either way, with lots of meat from a good year hunting, and a warm shelter against the blowing cold, this is a joyful time for celebration and stories.
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Filmmaker: Zacharias Kunuk, Paulossie Qulitalik, Norman Cohn
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Producer's Name: Zacharias Kunuk, Paulossie Qulitalik, Norman Cohn
Year of Production: 1995
Distributor Information: Vtape
Country: Canada
Region: Igloolik; Nunavut, Canadian Arctic