One more letter to the EdmontonSun and one of its writers:

One more letter to the EdmontonSun and one of its writers:

SUBJECT LINE: your editorial of Sunday August 28th, 2016 and my thoughts on politics and journalism at it's worst in relation to current world relations and Canada.

The writer's title was Media drinking the Koo-Aid and Buying the swampland

I am disappointed with all you conservative writers who feel that your opinion is the correct direction or criticism to impose on the current state of journalism, the current government and cultural climate with global politics and the national body politic. It is arrogant of you in your attempt to sway the thinking and direction of the current population of Canada, her provinces, and territories by imposing your right wing judgemental thinking on what is wrong with the current climate of societal thought, control and action. I must remind you it was the voting selection of the current population who made a decision to get rid of the ill actions and governance of Stephan Harper and his government cronies, not the opinions , critical or un-wrongly thoughts and writings of the media, the journalists, and critics of the performance of society with all her passes, failures and attempts to find meaning in life day after day.

It is arrogant of any writer, media pundit, journalist, social media networker, politician, including myself to think that ones attempt to impose their thoughts, actions and ideological meanderings on the general public is enough to change the direction of society for the common good, or alt-right attempt to become part of the majority in a world that is increasingly becoming more darker and void of meaning and change for the common good, the most vulnerable of our societies, and everything that the Creator expects of us in working together to make a better world. you should remember your place in society as nothing more than a simple writer who thinks your words are for the common good, but only a reflection of your conservative thinking, your euro-Canadian background and it all coming from a base of cultural genocide when your ancestors came to this land under the directives of Christendom, the papal papers and all that is not part of our Creator from above, but humankind based on greed, materialism, and thinking that western culture's understanding of manifest destiny is the direction to go in life.

Everything that happens in life is in according to the Great Mystery of life and how the Creator uses good and bad aspects of life to direct society into the direction of his prophetic conclusion of life. A time coming when we all stand before him/her scars and all. And that includes Goodwin's thoughts, your thoughts, my thoughts and Prime Minster Trudeau hugging Mr. Downie regardless whether the journalist were allowed into that concert event and photographs were selective , handed out in according to the events of the time. To impose your bias opinion on the current political climate in the US is judgemental, and selfish in with respect to thinking Mass media in the states is wrong in pointing out the demagoguery of the republican candidate, and that Canada's media was "equally hysterical, and committed" in thinking that Harper should bow before them just because of their directive or critical thoughts , actions and writings. Regardless of the right and wrong decisions of Harper's government , everything happens for a reasons beyond our control even with the current Liberal government, silly headlines of a shirtless Trudeau, the human rights violations of China and Dion's demeanor in working with other foreign ministers

In closing I can see that journalism is changing in according to the changing demands of a digital society where the popularism of the masses is developing a lower level of literacy in terms of reflection, consumption and direction. We are all part of the increasingly multiplicity of the information age, and the expropriation of knowledge is now beyond the television age into a false notion of digital and cultural authenticity because of new technologies and "ways of seeing. John Berger and George Orwell may have been close in their attempts to defined the semiotics of signs, meaning, thought, control and cultural authoritarianism and I appreciate your attempt to bring critical thinking to the current status of life on this global planet. I am may be way off base in my writing , thinking and direction of aesthetic and critical meandering, but I put my complete faith in the Creator and the trinity. Whether we understand , reject or attempt to manipulate the spiritual aspects of thought, action and direction in life, there is a great Mystery beyond humankinds attempts to create and understand this secular world. Ultimately I will stand before our Creator with shame and regret, but know that I picked myself up after everytime I fell, and did my best to be a better man for all races , not just because of my political and journalist intentions, reflections, or wrongly directions of life. May God be with you in all you do, thank you for your writings on the current aspect of journalism, politics and the life we lead. Take care. I am posting this opinion on my sites


Donald Morin,Ba
Performer, Filmmaker, Educator, and 60s scoop survivor




28 August 2016


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